
Votereward ideas! Your help needed!

Indeed! Because I want to have it done earlier this time!

Let's do it this way, give me the name of two characters and a feeling... For Example, MintWhelp, Karenina, scary would net you a pic of MW and Karenina in a scary situation, and so on.

Uh... nothing much to say this time, the sea battle will be still on for a while, after all. :D


bp3500 said...

inn keeper, kerinina, sexy

MintWhelp said...

Heh heh heh, well, guess nobody will dispute that choice, so, I might as well begin drawing it.

Risky said...

I was going to say Inn Keeper, Status Strategist, and very, very confused, but I think I'll agree with that random person instead.

bp3500 said...

uhh... im not A random person, risky. I, however, used to be Randomperson9000+. how could you forget? I don't remember if my name was any different back on haloscan though.

MintWhelp said...

Nope, I'm 89% your name was the same back at haloscan

bp3500 said...

oh, ok. just making sure.

Risky said...

You are still that random person to me.

bp3500 said...

sooo... when will it be up?

MintWhelp said...

Since it is a votereward, I guess it will be up at the beginning of next month :D :D

bp3500 said...

I thought you said you wanted it "earlier than last time." and now would definetly be earlier than last time

MintWhelp said...

I have a small appointment on the weekend, which is why I wanted to have the pic done earlier than last time. That's what I meant. Sorry :p

bp3500 said...

grumble grumble...

bp3500 said...

huh... I didn't know about this until I looked at final fantasy stuff.

Minozu is ripping off shiva!(the FF3 and beyond summon. you know, the ice goddess?)

bp3500 said...

also, note to self:

don't use blizzard spells on flying wasp mechas. they will counterattack with approximately 10 missle "spells" (if you are confused, "missle" is a blue magic spell in FF 5. it does the same thing as the time magic "quarter")

MintWhelp said...

Actually, about the Diamond Dust attack... it's more like this:


bp3500 said...

well, shiva uses it too, and this is ment to be an RPG-ish world, so THERE DANGIT.

bp3500 said...

ON an old topic of epic music...


see, I don't care what anyone says, his theme will always be my favorite piece of RPG music EVAR!!!