It changed into something... something slightly different... it has no tentacles or other appendages, yet it moves quickly throughout the wold.
You'll see MintWhelp's possible design for the second part of the MW Saga. I don't know what plot it would have, what characters would come back... heck, even the existance of a second part s doubtful. But there is Mint Whelp, as he'd look on this hypothetical second part.
Who knows, maybe next time I show a "MW's possible future design" he'll be wearing a red tutu, a giant disco-ball collar, and high-heel stillettos. Ew.
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I like the new look for mintwhelp. I think he looks slightly older, which I think is a nice touch because if I remember my Draconusology (study of dragons), Dragons are supposed to grow much faster than normal, dragons are supposed to be fully grown adults at about 14/15 years of age, buut... it's your comic, you choose the growth span of dragons simply because you say so
Huh, didn't know that. Man, imagine that, it would mean Mint Whelp at his eight years of age would pretty much be the equivalent of a very very short teenager. That's amusing, indeed.
like I said, your comic, your rules. I'd like to meet jerred face to face in the MWS dimension someday, so I can have a "talk" with him about free drinking rights. (I usually imagine myself as a jet black dragonair with a red pearl on my head. if you've seen a dragonair before, you know what I mean.)
one other thing: There is a game I have been getting interested in: Legend of the Dragoon. It's a really great game, and i suggest playing and/or watching something about it on youtube, particularly a certain thing you can... do with... your... characters... oooh! I'm scheming!
basically, ingame, you get things called dragon spirits. they let you undergo an awesome transformation (like in the anime's but alot cooler) into a Legendary Dragoon! It looks very awesome! Next votereward, You should Draw Jerred Crimson as if he was a dragoon. here's a link to a transformation if you want to see what it's like.
enjoy. but ignore everything but the jerred in dragoon armor if you have already played it.
Indeed, I have played it. It was a pretty nice game. Actually, I think I did have some pics in my deviantart account from back when I had my "Legend of Dragoon" obsessive phase.
They may not look exactly like that, but yeah.
Also: Misha in a powerful armor? You are lucky Sdragon is around to tell me which ideas would not click at all at the time :p
I'm still saying do it. in color. with jerred. make it look as close to the origional as possible. do it. do it. do it. (carries on forever)
How about I do it as a votereward? Which dragon will be used will be a secret... that anybody, their dog and their cat already know about :D
*coughDRAGOONnotdragonbutitdoesn'tmattercough* yeah. I think jerred would best be suited for the thunder dragoon armour (seeing as, at full power he can summon GIANT lightningstorms.), but like I said, your choice.
I just downloaded EPSXE (playstation emulator with vamped-up graphics) onto my computer! guess which game i'm playing right now?
Maybe... "Kakuge Yarou, fighting game creator"?
Well, either that, or Legend of Dragoon.
I said dragon because, ya know, the Dragoon Powers are based on dragons indeed :p
True dat. and also, yes, it's Legend of the Dragoon. now starts the obsession that will make me name my dog after Lavitz! or meru. or albert.
who was your favorite caracter to use in LotD? I plan on using shana quite a bit in the future :P
Mmmh, lemme see...
Probably King Albert or Dart, since their additions where slightly easier to time. I was never able to get over Shana's lack of cool fighting moves :p
But she does have an... "awe-some" dragoon transformation.
oh, and I changed my mind. I decided That I'mma use rose instead. I'm not that far, but I know for a fact that albert is fast, and nowhere NEAR easy to time. I question the logic behind that.
Been a while since I played it. Maybe I'm remembering Lavitz?
I just had a thought. I have a PS1 Emulator right? that means...
I will. after I finish LotD
Legend of the Dragoon update:
(Just because I feel like it, I'mma be updating my progress with Legend of the Dragoon just cuz I feel like doing that) I finally got back on track with my visit to hellena prison. That addition grinding took FOREVER. what I did:
dart: finished burning rush
hachel: finished double punch
shana: Lv 2 dragoon
LAVITZ!!! spinning cane AND rod typhoon. Aggrivation. 2. D. MAX. I'm now on gust of wind dance with lavitz simply cuz I don't wanna do any more! besides, there are better places to do it with Albert (shivers cuz im remembering how fast he is) in disc 2 or 3.
Main Team so far:
Dart Lv 13 Lv3 dragoon
Lavitz Lv 13 Lv3 dragoon
Rose LV 13 Lv2 dragoon
that's my main party so far. I might (as in probably) ditch albert for miru, hachel, or kongol in disc 2.
That's it for this update.
Legend of the dragoon update:
Today, I made it through my revisit of hellena prison. My ability to do additions really fluxuated. I was, for some reason, having a better time with Gust of Wind Dance, a 6 move addition, than burning rush, a two move addition. I beat Jiango really easily (if you have been working on lavitz between now and when you got him, have him use a "special" [as in, all members turn into dragoons, and the person who used it gets a boost], because at my point, Lavitz's gaspless did over 400 damage to jiango.). I then proceded to begin to cast my eternal rage on the fowl fighters. why? I would rather not tell. (let's just say it's the same reason as gustco[?]). I then beat the bossfight with relative ease. during the fight with frugel, Rodriguez, and guztco(?), gusco(?) confused both dart and Lavitz, leaving rose to exploit my only option: SPECIAL (because dragoon for eliminates all status ailments but deth). after using special, death comes swiftly to both rodriguez and guzco(?), leaving me to finish fruegel off with dart's final... burst was it? IDR. then, Lloyd kills lavits, and gets replaced by Speedy "albert" Gonzales (shiver).
Lavitz, you will be missed.
LAVITZ!!!! Why did you have to jump carelessly towards a guy who pretty much beat your friend up effortlessly?
remember, when Lavitz tried to attack Lloyd, Lloyd was still wearing his hood, so Lavitz had no way of knowing. After you get albert to replace lavitz, you might think something along the lines of "its good ta be tha king." However, given how FRIKIN FAST albert is... yeah.
Well, hood or not, I believe the tournament match with Dart showed that Lloyd was pretty much untouchable :p
Legend of the Dragoon update:
I finished storming the black castle. It was pretty awesome. I saved my dragoon stuff for when I was to fight emperor doel, obviously. the only thing really worth noting was the fact that my ability to do additions was REALLY fluctuating again. At times, it seemed like I had albert's Gust of Wind Dance down to an ART, and at other times, I just plain couldn't get the timing down. Thank GOD for savestates, giving me infinite tries for when I screw up my additions.
so, yeah. I'm done with disc 1, so time to download the ROM for disc 2! yay.
when you think about it, the sequence of events for Disc 1 of LotD isn't that much.
Fight people in Seles, Rescue Lavitz and Shana in hellena Prison, get to Bale, go to Hoax, go through VV (volvano villude), fight feyrbrand and guy whom Lavitz hates, go 2 lohan, go 2 shirly's shrine, go back to lohan, revisit hellena, kill doel in black tower. not much in disc 1 eh?
no update today. taking a break before I move on to disc 2
Legend of the Dragoon update:
Today, I started disc 2. I did so much ingame today, almost all of it seems insignificant now. well, here are the important parts of what I did today:
Started disc 2, went through barrens and defeated mappi with relative ease, went to donau and got meru (YAY). went through barrens again. talked to king and got pass with long name. went through barrens again. checked out donau again for stuff I missed. went through barrens AGAIN. went through the valley with a long name. killed a virage easily. Killed stuff in the home of gigantos. defeated Gehrich and Mappi with some difficulty. went back to lohan for kongol's dragoon spirit. went back to friez(?). stopped. I think that's what I did. tomorrow, I get to fight whats-her-name. Lenus was it? yeah. Lenus the wingly.
The whole point behind me doing this is so you can be informed about my progress ingame as well as add your own comments. I expect atleast one every update.
OK OK I'll stop obbsesing over Legend of the Dragoon.
back to what this is really for.
Lolwut random catterpillar crysalis. Great, that means he's evolving again.
LOL, sorry. It's just that it's been a while since I played LoD... so, my memory is spotty at best :p
oh. O well. would you rather I just not do it anymore? Cuz I won't if you feel like it's not what this is about. I'm completely fine with that.
Nah, it's fine. It's a way to keep them comments alive after all.
Yay. well, in any case...
Legend of the Dragoon update:
Well, I fought Lenus today. It was pretty easy. dart as a dragoon with a Perfect Dragoon Attack (I'm just that good :P. no seriously savestates are a godsend for stuff like that.) does about 420 damage, which I assume is alot for that point. My party I was using was the good ole Dart Rose & Albert team. I would say that that party would be classified as generally offensive with a touch of speed (mainly rose. Albert isn't actually faster than Lavitz, just his movements during the additions are faster.) added in. AND when it comes down to it, bringing albert in was a BAD mistake, because when she used BLACK RAIN, it did (OVER 9000! JK) FRIKIN 614 to him. I still got the job done, and I went home happy. Now, I will try to survive through the Ghost ship... without using shana! I might actually bring kongol into it just to see how he fares... whaddya say about that?
Kongol does need some love. Did you pick his dragoon gem at the market yet? I don't remember wether you already have to have his gem by that point.
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