
Bob's your uncle!

And so am I. :D :)


bp3500 said...


Risky said...

Water laser beam cutter attack go! Is Luis an uncle? That usually means someone's sister had a baby.

As for the Oct12th comic, I don't remember why they had to fight in the first place.

MintWhelp said...

My brother, actually, but yeah, I'm now an uncle of a baby boy.

On the 12th of October... well, they are manily fighting because Box is in the way... and, there is a reason why Jerred doesn't just defeat them all with lightspeed.

Also. word to the wise:

NEVER allow multiple things to go unfixed in your home. Because then, you have to fix them all up, and things add up exponentially pretty quickly and awfully.

--Is watching as his room is literally crumbling apart--

That's why I'm late with the comic, my house repairs are taking a wee bit of time out of me :p

I hope things will calm down by Xmasness time.

But don't worry, anything requiring my PC, I still can do since the thing is downstairs.Drawing ius a bit hard now, though.

Risky said...

I know why they are fighting Box of rocks, I just don't know why the two catgirls in one body had to fight.

MintWhelp said...

Oh.. oops.

Well, that would have been explained in a game I was making a while ago... but now, I'll have to expalin it in the comic, rsather :p

bp3500 said...

Yay, uploading spree.

Risky said...

Time for a new year of comics, eh?

Risky said...

New comics! But all dated last year...

As the ketchupians might say, I just bought a belt for my vacuum cleaner, so now it's time to do the dishes.

Risky said...

Actually I really bought a belt for my vacuum cleaner, so they might not say that.

Risky said...

Hm, catgirls plus milk. This could get messy.

Risky said...

She's pretty funny in this mode.

Risky said...

Hahaha! I was just looking at the first comic with the central heating expert, and here he is again!

Risky said...

Hm, I need to add more shirtless times to my next chapter.